Book Reviews of Literary Fiction and Nonfiction
About Me
(and the blog too)

I've been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. As a teenager, I started a book blog called The Scribbling Sprite, which served as an outlet for me to talk about what I loved most--reading. That blog devolved into lots of incoherent fangirling about my favorite books, but I remember my time working on it really fondly!
Separate Minds is a second opportunity to be part of the book blog community and do something I'm really passionate about. I settled on the title Separate Minds after reading a quote from one of my favorite books, Atonement (see the homepage).
My reviews will mainly cover literary fiction, nonfiction, some genre fiction, and some YA and children's books sprinkled in. If you like the blog, please share it! And if you're an author looking to get your book reviewed, visit the "Authors" page. Thanks!
Hope you enjoy!
- Ally